Make the Senedd more accountable

During the 2021 Senedd Election Campaign, James was clear in saying 'no more powers, no more politicians' for Wales. Democracy in Wales has not been tested with now over 25 years of Labour rule.  Devolution is here to stay but it must work for everyone across Wales and the Senedd must be accountable for every penny spent. 

Despite the best efforts of James and the Welsh Conservative group, the Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections) Act was officially passed into law on 24th June 2024.  This will mean that by the next election in 2026, the Senedd will increase from 60 Members up to 96.  It will also mean a change to the voting system to a D'Hondt system, where you will no longer be voting for individual names but instead your vote will be for the Political Party.    James has been vocal in his opposition to this move to a D'Hondt system.  He feels it is a step backwards for democracy here in Wales and is worried that the already low turnout at the Senedd elections will get significantly worse. James supports calls for there to be a referendum on these significant changes to our democracy here in Wales.

James does not believe that 36 more Politicians will mean more scrutiny of policies and legislation.  This will only happen if there is a strengthening of the roles of cross party committees, so that Welsh Government have a legal duty to take on board the Committee's recommendations.   Expanding the Senedd is estimated to cost at least £120 million.  This shows that the priorities of Welsh Labour are not those of the people of Wales. They should be the tackling our failing healthcare, falling education standards and lack of housing before creating a 'super Senedd'.