A new safe crossing has been installed in Talgarth next to Gwernyfed Rugby Club. Local Senedd Member James Evans had campaigned for the crossing to be installed, writing to the Welsh Government in October 2021 with a formal request.
James wrote "I should be grateful if you would consider the construction of safe crossing places at a site to the east of Talgarth, by Gwernyfed Rugby Club. This clubhouse sits on a busy roundabout of the A479 route, and the B4560. The rugby fields/playing area are on the opposite side of the road to the Clubhouse, and there is regular footfall of both children and adults crossing this extremely busy road/roundabout.”
Officials visited the site and agreed that a work programme would be included in the funding bids in 2022/23. After James kept up the pressure on Welsh Government Ministers, the crossing has finally been delivered and the central island has been made wider to allow for safer crossing on this busy road.
James Evans MS said:
"I'm delighted that we've got this safe crossing in place in time for the new season. The clubhouse is a focal point for the community with lots of people using that crossing, and they can now do so safely.
"I'd like to wish all our Gwernyfed teams the very best for the season ahead!"