Pylons and Wind Farms

I have been very vocal in my opposition to the proposed Energy Parks of Nant Mithil, Bryn Gilwern, Aberedw, and the associated 60-mile Pylon distribution route.

I have, and will continue, to support small scale applications for wind turbines e.g. by family farms if they wish to erect a wind turbine for their own needs or specifically for a community use, but not these large scale industrial wind farms and associated pylon route through Mid Wales that will decimate our beautiful area. 

The planning applications will not follow conventional planning processes, as it is classed as a development of national significance (DNS). It will be a Welsh Labour Government Minister having the final say on DNS, so I would urge you to make your views known to Welsh Labour Ministers.  We have the nearby Hendy Wind Farm as an example of how Welsh Government push ahead with these plans regardless of local opposition.  I fear the same will happen again. We have a fight on our hands but from what I have heard to date, all communities from Radnorshire to Carmarthenshire are speaking as a united voice, loudly and clearly saying no to this development and the pylons. Welsh Labour Government have a duty to listen to these voices.   

It is vitally important that as many people as possible engage in the consultation processes and make their views known.  I would urge you to submit your questions into each and every stage of the consultation process, so they can be addressed by the developer.

If the Green Gen Cymru/Bute Energy proposals get the go ahead, I will be calling for the power to be exported out via underground cabling.  A 60-mile swathe of pylons to Pont Abraham will radically change our landscape and have a hugely detrimental effect on tourism and hospitality businesses, on farming and our landscape and the wider rural economy.  We are already seeing prospective house sales falling through and house prices plummeting because of the proposed pylon line and wind turbines.  It is not just visual impact, there are concerns around safety, health implications, as well as the inevitable damage to local wildlife and habitat.

Green Gen Cymru are already citing cost as the reason why the pylons have to be overground.  This runs contrary to Planning Policy Wales where the presumption should be underground.  As they are commercial companies, and not yet in receipt of Welsh Government money, then we are limited as to what information we can get, particularly around their finances and business case as the excuse given is always ‘commercial sensitivity’. In my mind, they should not start any project with a presumption that they cannot comply with Planning Policy Wales requirements.  We need to look at all types of renewable energy.  Offshore should be the first preference.  I would like to see more hydro and tidal schemes being explored.  

I have consistently called for transparency and declarations of interest be made to highlight the connections between Welsh Government members and Bute Energy/Green GEN Cymru. With Welsh Government Minister having the final say on this project, it is important that any connections and relationships between public and private are declared.

Please be assured I will be raising this at every opportunity in the Senedd to make sure the communities voice is heard and to ensure the correct process is followed during this public consultation period.  It was a bitter blow to lose Fay Jones as our MP as she has done so much on this.  I am yet to hear publicly what David Chadwick, the new Liberal Democrat MP’s position is on this.  His party manifesto says they will accelerate the deployment of solar and wind power”. 

Brecon & Radnorshire is my home, and I will fight to protect its landscape, and its communities and its wonderful people.