James Evans MS has asked the Welsh Government on how they plan to address the falling number of GP surgeries across Wales.
In an exchange with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care Jeremy Miles MS, James highlighted the diminishing number of GP practices to the escalating patient ratio and what is being done to ensure people across Wales receive timely, effective and efficient care.
Recent data from the British Medical Association’s ‘Save our Surgeries’ campaign has shown the number of GP practices across Wales from 2012 up to 31st March 2024 has decreased from 474, to 374 – a decrease of 100, and the full-time equivalent number of GPs has declined by 25% since 2012, a 3.8% decrease since the campaign's inception in 2023. Concerning data from the Royal College of General Practitioners has highlighted that 40% of GP's are considering leaving the profession within the next five years due to the stresses of the job
Jeremy Miles MS responded by saying the Welsh Government has funded several opportunities that aim to improve patient outcomes and highlighted other services, such as the Common Ailments Service, that people can access without needing to go to a GP.
James Evans MS, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, said:
“I am extremely concerned about the recent data that shows the number of GP practices across Wales have decreased by a significant number. Our GPs are responsible for most healthcare contacts each and every day and they are the backbone of the NHS, often not getting the same recognition as the hospital-led services.
“Many GP practices are being hit with additional costs from the UK Labour Government’s National Insurance rise, forcing them to reduce the services they offer, or close satellite surgeries altogether. The UK Government exempted the NHS from the NI increases but this does not apply to our GP’s, Care Home or Social Care.
“I am calling on the Welsh Government to address the diminishing number of GP practices, how they plan to improve the retention of GP's and their wellbeing to ensure that people have access to efficient care right the way across Wales, no matter where they live."